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Showing posts from January, 2024

The power of affirmations to create an fulfilling life! Abundance, Success, Confidence & Happiness

(script) I am grateful for the wealth of my life anticipating a day filled with joy happiness and laughter as the master of my own destiny I determine how today unfolds Positive Vibes and good things are on the horizon I appreciate the challenges faced as they've been valuable lessons making me stronger and more capable I am strong wealthy and energized equipped to conquer any challenges gratitude fills me for life's blessings ensuring success and Excellence today I have everything needed to make today  Unforgettable health is a gift nourishing food and exercise allow me to care for my body a support system surrounds me and today I strive to be my best self inspiring others and practicing gratitude opportunities for personal and professional growth abound and the beauty of nature surrounds me daily ready to tackle tasks kindness is embraced from friends family and even strangers small moments for self-reflection are prioritized past experiences have shaped my present and I feel

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Minds Make Money, listen 'I AM WEALTHY ' Money Affirmation

I attract abundance effortlessly and generate New Wealth every day abundance flows through me radiating in expected and unexpected ways I am a wealth magnet consistently generating more than I spend my mindset is rooted in wealth and I confidently believe that abundance will never Escape me  due to my hard work and deserving nature the universe consistently rewards me as I maintain a strong work ethic I am proud of my accomplishments and those in my life acknowledge and celebrate my success I am prosperous confident and powerful money flows easily to me and all paths in my life lead to wealth and abundance I am emotionally physically and financially satisfied and my wealth continues  to grow daily I am free from Financial worries always having enough money flowing to me I'm a source of inspiration and as I give abundance to others more flows back to me I understand that abundance is a mindset and every day I deepen my connection to it I do what I love and am rewarded  for it I am g